Saturday, August 24, 2013

2nd sunday

On August 4, we finally got to meet our instructor. His name is Mr. John Mark Dosejo. He introduced himself and he made us introduce our classmates. It was fun to introduce someone else though it was hard since you don't know everything about that person. He also asked us to say something interesting about that person. Some things which you thought were ordinary may or may not be interesting to others. And so that Sunday we had our first lecture. The lesson coverage was about Networking Devices like hubs, switches and routers. We learned the different kinds of Network Topologies like the bus, the ring, the star, the extended star and the mesh topology. We also learned about the Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) and their differences from each other. And lastly, we learned about the Virtual Private Network, where a person can still access information from his company even if he is miles away from it. That was all the lesson we could tackle with the time we had. As they say, times flies when you're having fun.

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