Monday, September 2, 2013

6th and last sunday

Yesterday was the last meeting for this subject. It was also the schedule of our final examination. We were told to simulate a network using the packet tracer. It was scary at first because it was the first time for most of us to be able to encounter such an exam. But Sir Dosejo kindly paired us so as to make it easier. Later on, I found it fun to do. Then the computer unit I was using suddenly shut down and in the process erasing all the hard work me and my partner had worked on. Luckily, we were still able to make another set. And most of all we were one of the few who were really able to make the network run...yey!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

5th sunday

Today is the 2nd to the last meeting for our class in IT2. We discussed about IP Addresses, Networks and Subnetworks. Sir Dosejo taught us how to convert a decimal IP address to Binary form. We were also given a quiz at the end of the lesson but the bell rang and the quiz became an assignment instead.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

4th sunday

August 16 was a holiday because it was the Kadayawan sa Dabaw Festival. But we were told we will still have lessons since we only meet once a week. But on the 18th, Sir Dosejo couldn't make it to class. In his stead the ICT Dean, Sir Sicam kindly watched over our class. He instructed us to finish our previous blogging activities such as adding the links of our classmates into our very own blogsites. And just as I have said on my previous blog, the school connection was still as slow as ever, it took us soooo long just to be able to connect to our blogsites. Some of us, those who had brought their own laptop computers decided to stay at the lounge and connect to the wifi there. They were able to accomplish a lot more that those of us who stayed at the computer laboratory. I personally decided to just ask for my classmates blogsites so that I may be able to add them at a later time when I get home. But, bad fortune struck, my daughter got sick. She had fever and cough since Monday and she only got better on Thursday which is why it was not until the afternoon of Thursday and today that I was finally able to accomplish the task of adding my classmates blogsites and creating posts for my blog.

3rd sunday

The 11th of August marked the 3rd meeting of our class. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend since I was not feeling well. I got rained on the night before as I was going home to Samal Island from my Saturday class at PCT. But as luck would have it, my classmates were kind enough to send me an e-mail of the lesson they had. It was a continuation of our previous lesson. So, I had to self study the lessons presented in the slides. I had a hard time understanding it though. 

All along I thought BPS meant "bytes per second" when it was in fact "bits per second". hahahaha... (.!_!.)

2nd sunday

On August 4, we finally got to meet our instructor. His name is Mr. John Mark Dosejo. He introduced himself and he made us introduce our classmates. It was fun to introduce someone else though it was hard since you don't know everything about that person. He also asked us to say something interesting about that person. Some things which you thought were ordinary may or may not be interesting to others. And so that Sunday we had our first lecture. The lesson coverage was about Networking Devices like hubs, switches and routers. We learned the different kinds of Network Topologies like the bus, the ring, the star, the extended star and the mesh topology. We also learned about the Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) and their differences from each other. And lastly, we learned about the Virtual Private Network, where a person can still access information from his company even if he is miles away from it. That was all the lesson we could tackle with the time we had. As they say, times flies when you're having fun.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

1st sunday

The first meeting for this class was supposed to be on the 28th of July. Unfortunately, our instructor couldn't make it due to the fact that he was stranded somewhere in Montevista due to the flood. So, through Mrs. Odron we received instructions to create a Gmail account and a blog site for this subject. At first it was so exciting to be able to create a blog but the school internet connection was so slow it took all the excitement away... hehehe.. and that was how the first class for this subject ended.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi there!

This is Joanelysse Anne V. Almazan. And this blog is for my IT2 class in Philippine College of Technology. The following blog sites are from some of my classmates for this class.;;;;;;

(.!_!.)  this will be my first attempt at creating a blog site... hoping for the best... (fingers crossed)